Hopefully a simple guide to
Terrain Set Up & Rules
Table Layout & GW Terrain
On the games days all of the tables will use one of the 4 recommended terrain layouts in the official Games workshop competition pack.
All the tables will be laid out in an identical manor. But will have a variety of Terrain Peices which depends on what we have in our collection.
As we are using a mixture of Snotgobling gaming terrain and GW terrain, this Guide will help you navigate any rules interactions you may not be sure about.
As we are using GW terrain and the GW competitions pack to guide how we run the day. All players must use True Line of Site when determining if models can see and shoot. There is no House rules for any terrain feature
Ruins -Scenario 1-A
In this scenario no one is touching the terrain so neither set of models can see each other.
Ruins -Scenario 1- B
In this scenario no one is touching the terrain so neither set of models can see each other as the footprint of the terrain acts as if it has infinite high walls and provides Obscuring.
Ruins -Scenario 2
In this scenario the Blade Guard is touching the terrain foot print but not wholly within it. This means they can be seen by the necrons but now will get a cover save. The Necrons are still Obscured and cannot be shot.
The window provides Line of site for the Necrons
Ruins -Scenario 3
In this scenario the Blade Guard is wholly within the terrain foot print and has True line of site. This means they can shoot the Necrons and they can shoot him. The Blade Guard will get a cover save but the Necrons will not.
The window provides Line of site for the Necrons
Ruins -Scenario 4
In this scenario both models have partial line of site of each other that doesn’t touch the terrain. This means neither are obscured and both can be shot.
Both models will receive the benefits of cover because neither models can see the entirety of the other model without drawing a line through the terrain.
Ruins -Scenario 5
This scenario is similar to scenario 3 but this time neither model is near a window. Neither models benefit from Obscuring like in scenario 3 but neither unit can shoot as they have no true line of site.
Ruins -Scenario 6
In scenario the knight has the Titanic key word so have an exception to scenario 2 so do not need to be Wholly within the terrain feature to turn off Obscuring.
The knight has Line of site of the Blade Guard and can shoot them. The Knight will receive the benefit of cover. The Blade Guard benefit of cover will depend on Line of Site
In this Photo the Neither models are on the Crater area so will not gain the benefit of cover but are visible to be shot at because of true line of site
The whole area template represents the creator this is to help with balancing models.
In this Photo the Blade Guard Are on the Crater area and will gain the benefit of cover but are visible to be shot at because of true line of site