Abridge Brawl Event 2
April 13th
Theydon Bois Scout Hut
This was the second event of the 2024 Warhammer 40K season, we had 12 players playing in the 2000 points event and 4 players playing in the 1000 points event.
In this event I had made efforts to make all the terrain as symmetrical as possible to match the GW Leviathan pack, with the collection of terrain and mats donated to the event for the day. I would like to thank all those who help with providing the terrain. I’m hoping this wont be a case for much longer.
Round 1
Round 1 kicks off with the following match ups and scores
2k Event
Aeldari 33 vs Iron Hands 40
Adepts Sorotias 67 vs Grey Knights 52
Death Guard 67 Vs Death Guard 55
Raven Guard 51 Vs Blood Angels 50
Chaos Daemons 78 vs Necrons 41
Dark Angels 36 vs Chaos Knights 100
1k Event
Tyranids 68 Vs Necrons
Adeptus Custodies 51 Vs Tau 75
Round 1- Lets get ready to Rumble!
Round 1- fulled up on tea or coffee and a kitkat our energetic and eager players warm up in to the day events with there first round battle. Even tho it’s a warm up you will see some fun tricks. Just like a brick of terminators deep striking and charging from the back lines.
After round 1 the players sat down for Lunch. I believe good food is important for these sorts of days as they are long and good food can really influence not only your play during the day but also your mood and i want these events to be a comfortable experience
. So i put on a full spread for the players along side the tea and coffee station they have access to all day.
Days Menu
Chilli con Carney and rice
Nacho chips with dips
Desperado beer
My only problem was the number of tables and seats for the players to all sit down and chat while eating. A problem that is quite easy to fix just this time round i found my self and a couple of players sitting slight back from the main table. Lesson learned!
Round 2
Round 2 pairings and scores are listed below and photos from those rounds are below that.
2k Event
Blood Angels 60 vs Necrons 75
Death Guard 33 vs Grey Knights 94
Raven Guard 60 Vs Iron Hands 95
Death Guard 75 Vs Adepta Soroitas 97
Dark Angels 37 vs Aeldari 95
Chaos Knights 91 vs CHaos Daemons 78
1k Event
Adeptus Custodies 81 Vs Necrons 89
Tyranids 64 Vs Tau 69
Posturing For position!
With food in the players belly’s it’s time for Round 2! This round will see players work toward getting to the top of the table or trying to battle for the middle places. Some players will be looking for redemption and some continued glory’s!
Round 3
Round 3 pairings and scores are listed below and photos from those rounds are below that.
2k Event
Raven Guard 80 vs Death Guard 95
Blood Angels 88 vs Dark Angels 69
Chaos Demons 99 Vs Iron Hands 94
Grey Knights 62 Vs Death Guard 95
Necrons 53 vs Aeldari 75
Chaos Knights 53 vs Adepta Sororitas 54
1k Event
Adeptus Custodies 81 Vs Tyranids 100
Necrons 86 Vs Tau 79
Round 3 Victory and Honour!
Final round and a final chance to secure your place in the halls of Glory! Also players last chances to improve there position in the overall rankings for the day! So expect all the tricks to be used as we all remember that points win prizes!
Final Standings
After 3 Rounds Here is the top 3
2k Event
1st Adepta Sororitas 67/97/54 3 wins
2nd Chaos demons 78/76/99 2 wins
3rd Chaos knights 100/91/53 2 wins
1k Event
1st Tyranids 68/64/100 2 wins
2nd Tau 75/69/79 2 wins
3rd Necrons 48/89/86 2 wins
Upcoming events
Sign up today and Secure your place!
Abridge Brawl 3- 2000 Point Event
22nd or 29th June
While we wait to find out about hall availability and if our scenery arrives in time please reserve your space.
Abridge brawl 3- 1000 point Event
23rd or 30th June
While we wait to find out about hall availability and if our scenery arrives in time please reserve your space.
Abridge Brawl- Alternat Games
23rd or 30th June
While we wait to find out about hall availability and if our scenery arrives in time please reserve your space.