Abridge Brawl Event 1

These are some of the photos that I managed to get on the day of February the 10th. We had 14 players take part in in the day across 2 event levels.

Round 1

Fuelled by Coffee and a cookie the players set up for round 1battle! The mission was D on the leviathan mission pack

Primary- Deploy servo Skulls

Secondary- Chilling rain

Search and destroy deployment

Marines Vs Marines! Someone got there Vox messages mixed up!

You don’t mind so much the narrative of the battle when all the army’s are painted nice and the table looks good!

An army can’t fight on a empty stomach!

After round 1 the players stopped for lunch. This time round we had a chicken curry with rice with a few extras bits.

Warhammer events tend to have terrible catering its why I largely hated going to wargaming venues and preferred to play at home. So when I set these games days up I wanted to make a point of having decent home cooked food for all the players.

Round 2

After Lunch the round 2 pairings began!

Primary- Sites of power

Secondary- Chilling rain

Deployment- Search and destroy

Action Packed Round 2!

After the dust had settled in round 2 we was left with 2 players competing for the ultimate win in the 2k event and the final pairings to square off in the 1k round robin.

Round 3

A Quick cuppa tea and the players were back at it for round 3!

Primary- Scorched Earth

Secondary- Chilling Rain

Deployment- Dawn of War

Big stompy robots vs Big bugs!

Dice Down! Round 3 complete!

At the end of round 3 we had a little awards ceremony for a few categories and each player took home a little 3D printed trophy for there Achievements.

2K Winner - Reece Taylor, Imperial Knights

1K Winner - Den Symeou, Imperial Guard

Best Painted Army - Dean Seager, Necrons

Best Narrative Army- Jonathan Wise, Tau

Well done to everyone and thank you all for taking part.


Abridge Brawl 2024 Event 2


Warhammer 40K Games day November 23