Location, Location, Location!

What is the idea?

During the 2024 season we have used only 1 location and it has worked really well for us but it’s not perfect. In 2025 we are going to branch out to 4 different locations to cover the upcoming season extensive list of events which will be detailed in one of the next few blogs.

Why are we doing this?

I very much understand and appreciate that everyone cannot make all the events or may not want to play many events but we do have a couple of reasons for the variation in locations.

First and foremost is that we have players traveling to Theydon from various places and of those players there are some who can’t make events because of the travel distance makes things a little more difficult. I would like to make it that some events in 2025 will be on your doorstep. Alongside that i would like to see that everyone in the community has a chance of playing next year and doesn’t have to worry about making extensive travel arrangements to have a fun day of warhammer.

The second reason will be to help grow the community as a whole. The larger players base we have taking part in the 1 day RTTs. The more experimental we can be with event types and formats or for the more competitive minded players the larger events we can hold for those converted ITC points!.

A third reason will be the locations will cater for a more extensive events calendar in 2025!. In 2024 we planned an event at Theydon every other month this schedule ended up having some extras added and alongside the decision to try and have a local event for everyone at some point in the year, i will be expanding to a more extensive schedule of 1 event weekend per month.

Where will the events be taking place?

These are provisional locations as I’m still having discussions with the halls. But realistically it’s not going to be far from the overall area.

Theydon Bois- The scout hut we currently use will continue as our main base for 2025 but we might use the large hall in Theydon for an event at the back end of the year this is due to scheduling issues with the scout hut.

Chelmford- https://www.borehamvillagehall.org this is the proposed location for our chelmford events we are currently sorting out the dates and hall hire details its unlikely to switch venue as i have been and seen the hall. But depending on other details its not set in stone yet.

Cambridge- https://www.soham.fitness This is the proposed venue for our first major charity event which should be in the summer of 2025. The bigger plan is worked out we just need to discuss the details.

Bedfordshire- a proposed venue is https://www.addison-centre.org i hope to make a connection with the hall first week of September so this is very much a idea

I would like to re iterate these are proposed venues and dates still need to be confirmed so somethings may change.


The League & 2025 Season Pass


About the events in 2025!