3D Printing Policy
Event Policy’s
These policy’s are in place to ensure fair and fun play for all players across the day and to provide clear rules and guidelines on what we expect of our players so no disputes arise. These events are to be a fun experience for all and I will do my best to ensure that. But any players found in breach of these rules will face consequences depending on the rules breach.
3D Printing
I have taken a long hard think on the stance I want to take when it comes to 3D printed miniatures at my events. What I have come up with seems to be a fair compromise for all. Anyone in breach of the following rules will have models removed from play and will have to finish the game with that handicap or concede with a full loss with 0 points that round. Each rule has my thoughts processes on below with that said you can fully 3D print a army and use it in my games days provided all models adhere to the following rules.
Rule 1- All 3D printed models must have similar silhouette and size to the model they are trying to represent.
This is to help opponents clearly identify what your model is trying to representing. (I.e A walking machine the size of a sentinel cannot represent a tank). The 3D printed model size must be comparable to its Games workshop counterpart to avoid modding for advantage.
Rule 2- All 3D printed models must be on the same base size as the model they are trying to represent. This is to avoid modelling for advantage.
Rule 3- No 3D printed replicas of GW (or other companies) models.
This is theft there is no way round it. Any models found to be 3D printed replicas of games Workshop models will be removed from the table.
Rule 4- All 3D printed models must have weapons that look like what they are suppose to represent (A Sword cannot represent a power fist or lighting claw). This is to keep things clear between you and your opponent.
Rule 5- All 3D models must be submitted for review 3 weeks prior to the event this must be done via photo.
In summery these are fun days, you are more than welcome to kitbash/ convert using 3D printed stuff or have a completely 3D printed army as long as the model looks like what your trying to represent on the table via its the size, overall silhouette and size of the base. What you cannot do is 3D print complete replica of official GW models I.e you can 3D print imperial guardsmen and they can represent any imperial guard regiment as long as its in the right scale and on a 25mm base as long as they look nothing like a official GW miniature that can be brought off the shelf.