Doubles Events
Listed below are a series of questions and my answers to them for the up coming July Doubles event. While competitive in nature this event is suppose to be a fun and friendly social gathering. So these decisions will remain in place for the July event and feed back will be taken from all the players afterwards we might make changes for the winter doubles in December based on this feed back.
D6 Abridge Doubles Tournament FAQ
Q1. Are there any restrictions on what armies players can play and ally? (E.G. Can one player in a team play Space Marines and his partner player Chaos Daemons?)
A- No there is no restrictions to what combos of factions a team can bring to this event except each player must bring 1000 points each and no more!
Q2. Can units between allied armies share benefits if they have the same keywords? (E.G. can two space marine allies use each other's “Oath of Moment”?).
A- No, For this event ally’s army’s even if they have the same key word cannot share benefits. So in this example 2 space marine ally’s wouldn’t be able to benefit from each others Oath of moment choices.
Q3. Conversely if an enemy unit is being debuffed/nerfed by the effect of one player, can the other player benefit from it? (E.G. If a Death Guard player is applying effects from their contagion auras to enemy units, can the ally of the Death Guard player also use those effects?)
A- No, For this event Debuffs and Nerfs placed on a force will only apply when dealing with any interaction (actions, movement, attacks, saving throws ECT) from the faction or player that issued the Debuff or nerf. Ally’s will not be able to use there partners debuffing ability’s.
Q4Is the limit on only casting 1 of the same stratagem per phase limited to per player or per team? (E.G. can both players in a team use the “Command Re-Roll” stratagem once each in the same phase?)
A- Per team.
Q5. Following on from Question 4, if two allied players happen to run the same faction, are they also limited to 1 use of a single stratagem per phase? (E.G. Can two allied players using Space Marines with the Gladius Task Force detachment use the “Armor of Contempt” stratagem once each in the same phase?)
A- yes- except in cases where a character allows you to use that stratagem a second time.
Q6. While it is 1000 points per player, if a player on a team finishes his list at less than 1000 points (E.G. 990 points), can his ally use those spare points or are they lost?
A- No, there is no sharing of points in a team.
Q7. Are command points shared amongst allies in a pool or do they keep separate pools?
A- Command points are shared as part of a team not spent as separate pools by each player.
Q8. Are command points earned per team or per player?
A- Per team- any points earned by 1 players actions or ability’s are added to the team pool to be spent.
Q9. Do you need to have 1 Warlord per team or per list/player?
A- 1 warlord per player- Each player has a warlord in there list for it to be a legal list. Then the team must nominate a supreme commander from their warlord selections. If either list has a warlord that has the rule (Supreme Commander) means it must be the warlord for the team. This is for situations that involve killing a warlord. I.E Imperial Knights Honour System
Q10. Are Victory Points earned per player or per team?
A- Per Team
Q11. Are secondary objectives picked & earned per player or per team?
A- Per Team
Q12. Are allied models considered friendly for the purposes of core rules? (E.G. Infantry passing through each other during movement)
A- Yes for this event Ally’s are considered friendly when passing through each other during movement.
Q13. Are teams Subject to the Rule of 3?
A- Yes. teams are subject to build their lists with the rule of three in mind this rule apply’s to the data sheet if a model has multiple variants on separate data sheets then you can run up to 3 of those variants in addition i.e land raiders. The rule of three does not apply to battle line which has a cap of 6 per data sheet and transport units which are limited to a rule of 6 per data sheet provided they have 6 battle line units to transport.